Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


well, unforgetable weekend.
may be its become one of my best sat.nite ever.
lebay mungkin.
tapi, emang itu kejadiannya.

awal mulanya dari sebuah janji dari seseorang yang bisa dibilang deket ma gw.
janji buat ngajak jalan.
dan baru terwujud hari ini.
so, qt janjian dan jalan mulai jam setengah tujuh.
sebenernya qt gag jalan-jalan heboh sambil hura-hura.
cuma makan es krim berdua.
muter-muterin kota dan berenti di pinggir jalan cuma buat ngobrol..
that is my favourite part.

yang kita omongin pun bukan hal yang bener spesial.
we just talk bout movie, philosophy, our memory, our school.
but the best part is when he just start to flirting with me.
oh my god. . .
he just looked at me with his dreadfully-charming eyes.
n . . .
i got colapse..
ok, the real wasn't like that.
i just can look down and start blushing [thanks god it was nite, so he cant saw my red cheeks]
i'll never forget the way he looked at me. . .