Jumat, 28 November 2008

farewell party. .

beberapa hari ini mood gw jelek banget.
walaupun gw dengan susah payah buat gag mencak" sama setiap orang yg gw temuin.
alhamdulillah bisa gw jalanin dengan lancar.
tapi, itu semua berawal dari gw n 'dy'.

'dy' itu orang yang lumayan berarti buat gw.
jadi, setidaknyah walaupun semua berbeda tapi kita bisa tetep temenan.
tapi, ternyata. . .
when u love someone so much, ur feeling can be contrary n u'll be hate him so much.
that what's i feel.
actually, i dont want to feel that way.
bcoz it's hurt u know?
but, i realize ma be it is the better way for me, for him n for the other. . .

then, he asked me to gave back something.
thing that he had given to me.
i can give it back easily, but in my deepest heart if i give it back, its same with i say good bye to him forever.
and the farewell party begin earlier than my expectation.
i'm not ready enough to face 'the party'. . .
all that thing make me confused..